Book a consultation or coaching session to discuss all your child's developmental and educational needs.
Book a consultation to share your concerns and develop family-centered goals. This is the time to ask questions, and plan for your child’s next steps. Education and child development are a dynamic process. Having a sense of the long-term outcomes helps set realistic expectations.
Initial Intake 120 mins | $1300
As a follow-up to your consultation, parents will be given recommendations and coaching about implementing evidence-based strategies from school and therapeutic settings into their family’s daily lives. I will guide parents using strategies adapted from the National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice (NCAEP) (Steinbrenner et al., 2020).
50 mins | $300
Parenting Practices Seminar
These seminars will cover a range of topics. I will discuss (1) autism & education, (2) attention deficit & education, (3) the impact of diet on behavior and the brain, (4) how to develop the right team to meet your child’s individualized needs (5) types of parenting styles and autism/ef spectrum disorders: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive.
60 mins | $75/session
“Let’s work together and create a plan for education and daily life so families can enjoy their time together while supporting their child’s needs.”
Dr. Narinder K. Dhaliwal